Book of Enoch

Bible Questions

Exploring the Exclusion of the Book of Enoch from the Bible

The Book of Enoch, an ancient Jewish text attributed to the great-grandfather of Noah, has intrigued scholars and believers for centuries. Despite its historical and theological significance, it is not included in the canon of Scripture for most branches of Christianity. This blog delves into the reasons behind the exclusion of the Book of Enoch from the Bible, exploring its origins, content, and the complex process of canonization that shaped the Christian Scriptures.

Why Stay Away from the Book of Enoch: Discerning the Truth

The Book of Enoch may be an interesting historical document, shedding light on certain ancient Jewish beliefs. However, when it comes to our faith and understanding of God's plan of salvation, we should place our utmost trust in the biblical canon. The canonized Scriptures provide us with a comprehensive and cohesive message that leads us to Christ and teaches us how to live in accordance with God's will.