he fact that you’re reading this article means that you’re concerned about your partner or someone else in your life. You may have suspected they were a narcissist, and now you want to know: Can they change? The short answer is yes, but it’s not as simple as “just change.” A narcissist can change if they want to and if there is a willingness on their part. However, this is not always the case for people who are emotionally abusive or controlling—and some of them will never change. If you are dealing with someone who has narcissistic tendencies but hasn’t acted out in an abusive way yet (or sometimes even after), then you have come to the right spot.

Personal Dealings with Narcissist People

My first encounter with a narcissist person was someone that I was counseling for marriage. To be honest, I have never dealt with this kind of behavior before in my life. It was so foreign to me that I couldn't even communicate the label to his wife. All I could do was tell her the symptoms. It was only until after I learned more about this type of personality disorder that I begin to recognize what I was dealing with.

About three counseling sessions in, I knew something dramatic had to take place in order for this person to have freedom. Each session, he would complain about his marriage and talk about how amazing of a husband he was. As long as I listened and nodded my head, he would come back to hear what I had to say. When the moment of truth came, he only deflected the conversation back towards his partners shortcomings. I learned two things very quickly, the only way a narcissist could change was through the revelation of Jesus and if they wanted to. Let's unpack this further.

What is a narcissist?

A narcissist is someone who loves themselves more than other people. They are selfish, and think only about themselves; they use people for their own benefit; they're manipulative, and won't hesitate to hurt someone if it gets them what they want.

Narcissists don't care about anyone else except for themselves: not friends or family members--not even a spouse! They'll take advantage of anyone in order to get what they want out of life (money, sex). In fact, narcissists will often manipulate their partner into staying with them even though they know that person isn't happy because then at least there's always someone around when the going gets tough (or boring).

How do you know if someone is a narcissist?

If you suspect that someone is a narcissist, it's important to understand that there are different types of narcissists. Some might have an inflated sense of self-importance (like those who think they're better than everyone else) while others may be more grandiose and arrogant.

In addition to being self-centered, these individuals can also be charming and seductive in the beginning stages of a relationship--so much so that you may not even realize what's going on until it's too late!

Can a narcissist change?

Yes, a narcissist can change. A narcissist will not change for someone else, they will only change for themselves. A narcissist will not change because they are afraid of being alone or because they want to be a better person; in fact, it's quite the opposite: they don't care about anyone other than themselves and won't do anything unless it benefits them directly or indirectly.

It is important that you understand this when trying to help someone who has NPD (narcissistic personality disorder). The best way to help them is by showing them how their behavior affects others around them--but even then, there's no guarantee they'll listen!

(Dealing with a narcissist is physically and spiritually draining, here are 25 life giving scriptures to help breath life back into your situation).

What if your partner is a narcissist?

If you have a narcissist in your life, it can be hard to know what to do and how to respond.

If your partner is a narcissist, remember that they are not the same as you. They may act like they are above everyone else and they might even tell you that they are better than everyone else. This isn't true though - all people have flaws and strengths alike (even if some of us don't see them). It's okay for us not to be perfect; we're human!

It's important that people take care of themselves before trying anything else with someone who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), because otherwise there will never be any change within this person's behavior patterns or interactions with others around them; especially since most people aren't aware that their loved ones actually suffer from NPD until after several years together due largely due its secretive nature which makes diagnosis difficult during childhood years when symptoms first begin appearing during adolescence periods when peer pressure begins influencing decision making processes involved therein leading up towards adulthood where individuals become autonomous adults capable of making decisions without parental guidance anymore...

Will they change?

It's possible for a narcissist to change. Many narcissists are aware of the negative impact their behavior has on others, and they want to be better people. But it's not just about desire--the ability to change depends on how much work is required and whether you, as the partner or family member of a narcissist, are willing to put in that effort.

If you're wondering whether your loved one will ever become less self-centered and more empathetic toward others, there are several factors at play:

  • How willing they are (or aren't) willing to do what it takes
  • How serious their disorder is

Why are narcissists so difficult to love and deal with?

The main reason narcissists are difficult to love and deal with is because they don't care about you or your feelings. Narcissists will say things that hurt your feelings deliberately, but they don't care about that either. They also want what they want when they want it--and they won't hesitate to manipulate, control and guilt trip others into getting their way.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental illness that affects 1% of Americans (1). It's characterized by an over-inflated sense of self-importance; the need for admiration; lack of empathy for others; envy/jealousy of those who are better off than themselves; arrogance/exploitative behavior towards others without remorse for hurting them emotionally or physically in order to get ahead at any cost...

God can make all things new

God can do anything. He can change your life, he can change your marriage, and he can even change a narcissist.

If you are in an abusive relationship with someone suffering from NPD (or if you are dating a narcissist), then there is hope! God has not left us without help when it comes to dealing with this kind of person in our lives. In fact, God has given us tools that can help us overcome these situations and find lasting peace--if we'll only use them!


Feb 13, 2023

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